What’s on the last page?

What’s on the last page? Page 5 last bars, bar 6 to 12, contain the three themes of 3 Soggetti. What’s on page 5 at the first bars (bar 227-233 of the Urtext version)?

Looking at the relation with the music at page 1 to 4, these bars can be related to the end of the first partition, bar 113 and 114 of the autograph and in wider point of view a relation with bar 97 to 115.

Bar 113 and 114 are the bars just after the crossed out bars 111 and 112. It’s about these bars that Milka (2014)  states that they aren’t written at ones because otherwise the bars 111 and 112 would be sweeped out instead of crossed out.

In figure 20 and 21 the relation between page 5 and the end of the first partition is shown. C.P.E. Bach make the addition that J.S. Bach noted in tablature form, in the first revised version before bar 111 and 112 to make the cadence complete. Remarkable is that C. P. E. Bach have changed particular the notes which has a relation with the first bars of page 5, see figure 22. This isn’t mentioned in studies before as far as I know.

Besides this change of notes at the end of the first partition, C.P.E. Bach doesn’t add the bars with the 3 themes at the end of page 5 in the first edition at the end.

It is a possibility that Bach made page 5 as a design after partition 1, to make a passage to a continuation into a following part and a design of the other two themes. Page 5 gives in this way possibly inside information about the composing process of Bach.


Figure 20. First bars of page 5 of the autograph
Figure 20. First bars of page 5 of the autograph
fig 21 contrapunctus 14
Figure 21. End of the first partition (bar 110-115) in the autograph
fig 22 contrapunctus 14
Figure 22. End of first partition in the first revised version of C.P.E. Bach with changed included notes of tablature form and changed notes by C.P.E at bar 114 and 115 in fig. 21.
